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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Favorite Clean/Dupe scents

Fresh Laundry-Wonderful clean laundry smell.  I usually don’t like laundry scents because they’re too strong and they have a sharp smell that triggers a migraine, but my husband convinced me to try this one.  I actually really love it!  It smells like real laundry, and doesn’t have the fake sharp smell.  I enjoyed this during the warm weather.  It reminds me of when we used to live by the park in town and my mom and I would walk down the 5 or 6 blocks to the park to walk the park during the warm evenings. 

Sugared Spruce-This one is really interesting, the combination of tree and sugar sounds strange, but it smells so good.  To me, this smells like a real Christmas tree.  It’s a really strong thrower too.  And even though it smells like a Christmas tree, it doesn’t strike me as just a holiday scent, I will continue to burn this throughout the winter. 

Bath Time With Pooh-This is a dupe of a soap company’s product.  I will not name the company or the product, but I’m sure you can find out.  I smelled the soap from the other company and wasn’t a huge fan, to me it didn’t smell that great, but this candle, man, it’s a good one.  A nice clean honey-ish smell, with a hint of soap and maybe a little toffee.  Wonderful scent and perfect for a bathroom or a neutral smell in the house.  I don’t think anyone would be disappointed in this scent and it’s one that you can burn when company is coming over and no one would be offended by it. 

Sweet Snow-Very nice peppermint smell, with just a hint of vanilla to soften it up a bit.  If you like the smell of peppermint, you’ll love this scent.  Perfect for winter.

Vanilla Bean Noel-Smells just like the vanilla bean noel from Bath and Body Works.  Really nice scent and would probably a good one to mix with other scents.  A creamy sweet vanilla smell.

Heavy Metal-What a powerhouse!  Another dupe of the soap company’s store.  Smells just like the soap that it’s supposed to dupe, but about 10x stronger!  Holy cow, this is a strong one.  I had it in a scent shot and it about blew me away.  I would like to get it in a candle, because I think the scent throw would be a little easier to handle in a small candle.  However if you have a big space to scent, this one is a great one.  I have a small house, so it was a little too potent, but I’m not complaining, it’s a good problem to have!

Favorite Fruity Type

Plese keep in mind I haven't tried many of CBV fruity scents, I'm starting to branch out to them, but everything I've got so far, I've loved.

Cotton Candy-Mmm, another one of my favorites.  I have some strange liking to anything cotton candy scented or tasted.  And this is no exception.  It smells very sweet and sugary with a hint of strawberry.  Keep in mind though, that this is a light thrower, just the nature of the scent.  So if you really want to smell it, get a bigger candle or scoop some scent in it.

St. Lucia-I just recently got this scent.  This is on cold throw because I’m saving this one until the weather gets warmer.  To me, this is a hard scent to describe.  It smells really good though and I do get hints of a little melon and nectarine, but I think the main scent I’m smelling is the marshmallow ambrosia.  This is a very nice smell, a complex fruit scent.  It’s one that I have to keep sniffing I can’t get enough of it.

Cherry Fizzy Pop-Another one I have a hard time figuring out what it smells like.  It’s not that complex, but I can’t tell if it smells like Cherry Coke, Cherry 7-UP or what!  I can for sure smell the carbonation and the cherry soda scent.  It’s a really nice scent though.

Favorite Bakery Scents

Elvis-He’s delicious smelling!  I can get a sweet banana smell, with just a hint of peanut butter.  In fact the peanut butter is so mild, I don’t pick up on it per se, I think it just adds a bit of creaminess to the banana.  After trying this one, I really want to try some of her other banana scents. 

White Chocolate Karibu-Thanks to Kayla and Tina from Youtube, I tried this scent and am glad I did.  For me, the first thing I pick up in this is a cashew scent and then I get white chocolate.  I love cashews to eat, and was amazed that you can smell an actual cashew in this.  That’s weird to me that you can smell something so specific!  It’s really good, however, it’s a lighter scent, so keep that in mind.

Apple Cinnamon Butter-Wow, this is so good!  I burned this one in the fall and I don’t think I could find a more perfect scent for fall.  To me, this is the perfect balance of apple and cinnamon.  I know in real apple butter, there really isn’t any butter (at least I don’t think), but in this candle, you do get a hint of butter and it just makes the scent that much better.  One of my top favorites.

Caramelized Pralines-A favorite for many people and for me as well.  When I first got it, I thought, what’s the big deal?  It didn’t smell like anything special to me.  Then I lit the candle and I got what the hype was about.  It smells so sweet and good, not too caramel-y but so good.

Fruit Loops-I can’t say anything else besides, it smells just like the cereal!  Kind of citrusy like the cereal with the sweet powdery sugar on it, really nice scent.

Divine Paradise-Wow is all I can say!  I don’t hear this one being talked about a lot but it should be.  My mom helped me pick this one out and I’m so glad she did.  This is definitely in my top 5, it really is divine!  You can smell a hint of pineapple, a nice cakey note, and some coconut and a little maraschino cherry.  Oh lord, this smells good enough to eat!  You have to try this one. 

Pink Cupcake-This one is a deceiving little scent.  I got it in a scent shot and when I smelled it I thought, eh, it’s ok, but I smelled a plastic note.  Well, I let it cure for a bit then warmed it on the warmer, this one really transforms when it’s warmed!  It’s so good, smells really sweet and cakey.  You can smell the frosting and the cake and it’s so yummy!

Strawberry Danish-I think this one would have to be my absolute favorite.  Some people say it smells salty, and I do kind of get that when it’s cold, but when it’s warmed, watch out!  It’s the best sweet strawberry and crust smell I’ve smelled.  I had it on the warmer and I kept taking short little breaths so I could keep smelling it.  I have already informed my hubs that I need a big mustard jar in this for Valentine’s day.  I don’t want to be without this scent. 


CBV Oh how I love thee!

Candles by Victoria has been a love of mine now for over three years.  I first discovered the company through Youtube beauty videos, specifically Lepooke.  While I haven’t tried as many scents as I would have liked, I’m slowly working on that!  I think I’ve really got down what type of scents I like and discovering some new ones I didn’t think I would like.  I’ve always been a bakery girl, but I’ve found that through CBV, I am starting to really love fruity scents too.  I think with my next order I will try to get into a few florals.  Eeek!  Like many people, I suffer from migraines and can’t handle a strong floral smell because they’re instant triggers, but maybe the ones mixed with fruit or that have soft in the description I might try.  No other candle company has made me want to try their floral scents, so that’s really saying something!

 I have a constant wish list for Candles by Victoria, and it’s ever-growing.  Youtube reviews are my favorite to watch, and I think it really helps to get others opinions on scents since you’re ordering online and you can’t sniff before you buy.  Also, the Pouring Pot message board on CBV’s website is extremely helpful.  I don’t think I’ve ever asked a question on there without it being answered the same day.  The search bar is also really useful when looking for a particular scent review.  Everyone on there is very friendly and sweet.   

As far as the candles themselves, they’re the best I’ve tried.  Good strong scents, clean burns and long lasting wax are some of the things I really appreciate from Candles by Victoria.  I’ve never had an issue with tunneling or with the wicks drowning, it’s always a nice clean burn all the way to the bottom of the jar.  Speaking of the jars, I love the country look of the mason jars, but Victoria also has other types of jars if you want to match your décor.  She has options on some of her jars to add glitter and to specify the color of the wax, you can even create your own scent!  What other candle company can you do that with? 

This is my rave review of the company Candles by Victoria.  If you have any suggestions, please let me know!  I think I will try to do some individual reviews for some of the scents I have tried, which might be helpful.  To order from Candles by Victoria, go to .


Is anyone out there?!  I wanted to start this blog over, I had another blog that I just wasn't happy with the lay-out, the name, etc.  So I thought why not start fresh?  I guess my hopes for this blog will be to do reviews of different types of products.  My number one obsession is Candles by Victoria, which I will be soon posting about.  I was really into makeup for a long time, but I came to the conclusion this past year whilst throwing out multiple lip products, this stuff doesn't last forever and I'm throwing my money away.  I also kind of got bored with it, after being obsessive about it for three + years, I started to see a pattern, just another name attached to the same products being released.  While I don't have a huge collection, I would still  like to  see my collection dwindle down.  I guess I'm just over it, and you know what?  It feels good to have used products up and throw away the older products that have gone bad!  It really is liberating and therapeutic. 

But then it's been replaced by Candles by Victoria, but that's ok.  While I know a candle doesn't last forever either, I really enjoy having my home smell yummy and love to see the flicker of the flame, it's very calming.  I can go through candles much more quickly than I can a lipgloss, so there you go!  ;)

Here is my intro, if you have any questions or requests, just ask!  Thanks for reading.